Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sometimes Silence is Better then Words.......

Don't explain yourself. You may ask, well holding emotions inside is never any good. Correct, by this I mean know what is better off left unsaid. Have you every said something little that fueled a big fuss? That is what I am referring to. No I am not saying you should keep secrets from others, nor am I implying that you should go home and when your mother asks you where you were, you should say none of your business, because you shouldn't explain yourself. Let's not let this rule become an excuse for common sense, when necessary we should explain ourselves.

With that being said,

Sharing too much information can backfire on you, think twice before you speak. Your friends may not always remain your friends, and the more personal you get, the higher chances you may set yourself up for blackmail one day. I learned in a psychology class: Fact- within a conversation, as one person is explaining a personal story/issue, the brain of the other person "listening" is concentrating more on what they want to say more than what you're actually saying. (we are naturally self-centered?) or in other words most people don't care what you have to say. It is just gossip. Gossip is something we could all live without, all complain about, but yet still all do..

Everybody disagrees on things, some you may win over a compromise, some are just too hard headed to see any other point of view but their own. This is okay, don't put weight on your shoulders because you feel like you have failed to win somebody's opinion. There will always be one to disagree, we can't please everybody, don't wear yourself out trying either.

Sometimes my people do not like work and they argue with me   But i've come to realize I can't win an argument with somebody who has set their mind on a decision. So I've learned to bite my tongue after a certain point, smile and say "no comment"...

Even if i explained myself to every person who came up to me and criticized me, I could not win them all over. So ask yourself, is this person worth the time to explain? or is it better off left at a disagreement. Choose wisely.

"Never explain yourself, your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe it." -


  1. gr8 work rahul...i must say dis seems to b d result of a lot of experiences n d analysis over it...

  2. hmnnn.......may b u r right bt sumtimes unsaid words need to b said jst to realise ppl wat they mean to u..........n for the other 1 to realise dat is the persn infront worth that importance...
